Owen's Birthday Party

Last Saturday we had Owen’s first birthday party. The weather held up pretty nicely considering the rain predictions and the tornado siren that occurred the day prior. Owen had so much fun! He does not love cake, taking after his mom I guess. He loved candy though, snickers were especially delicious! The best part of his birthday party was his Aunt Emily and Uncle Kolton coming out for a surprise visit! It was incredibly sweet and we loved spending the day with them.

Thank you to everyone who came. We love seeing our support network and missed those who couldn't make it!

Owen had his 1 year old well child check the other day also. He is doing very well. His amazing pediatrician told us that he is caught up on everything he should be and has no concerns regarding his prematurity. His 6 teeth look great, his eyesight has had no problems and he is growing just like he should be! He has grown 4 inches in the last 6 months and now weighs 22.5 lbs. He is such a sweet curious boy and can’t believe he is growing up as fast as he is!

Enjoy some pictures from his party and of his birthday presents,