Pullan's Holiday Card

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It is amazing to us that another year is coming to a close. The first year of Owen’s life went by so quickly, now we have a 15 month old on our hands who is running and yelling and wanting to be very independent. Since his birthday he has 12ish teeth (he won’t let me count anymore), runs, says lots of new words, loves cooking, become interested in potty training, likes coloring, and removing all of the Christmas tree ornaments and shoving them into the center of the tree. He is a very busy boy but we wouldn’t want it any other way.

If you have been keeping up with us you know we’ve been all over this last year, Arizona, Hawaii, Utah and almost everywhere in between. Next year will not disappoint either in the travel area I’m pretty confident about that. Austin and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on the 29th of November and will be taking a redo. honeymoon/anniversary trip to Hawaii in January.

This year Austin turned 25, so no more ridiculous rental car fees for him, he started flight school, and a full time job at the Fargo Jet Center (for those of you who haven’t seen his ridiculously amazing photos go check. them out). You’ve heard probably more than you want to about Owen but he is still. super cute and makes us laugh about every 15 min. Jack is now 9, we got him as a Christmas gift when we moved to South Jordan in 2010, and he has had some renewed energy despite the heart murmur he was recently diagnosed with. Lucy is now 5, she was Austin and my first dog, she has slowed down a bit and doesn’t come meet Austin at the door when he gets home but will be down for a good game of fetch if you have 2 hours. Loki is 2 and is bonding with Owen who finds it really fun to give her hugs and kisses when she is being calm. As for me, well you know how the life of a Ph.D. student goes, I currently have 6 tabs of papers I probably won’t ever read and none of my experiments work. so pray for a Christmas miracle that I’ll graduate before Owen graduates from high school. I did recently publish another article though and will be attending the American Chemical Society National Conference in Philadelphia in March so that’s my marginal good news.

The Fargo freeze is well under way, so if you need us for the next 5 months you’ll find us under our 16 blankets (2 of them being heated) trying to survive through the winter. We love you all and are incredibly grateful for our village, our crazy lives would not be possible without you all!


The Pullan's

Austin, Jessica, Owen, Jack, Lucy and Loki