Owen's First Birthday

I have no clue where the year has gone but somehow here we are, a year later. It feels like just yesterday I was laying in a hospital bed begging to be out of the hospital but for my baby to cook just a little bit longer. The past couple of weeks have been an emotional roller coaster for me. As I finish up my course in Arizona I’ve had a lot of reflection time. As his birthday drew near I felt my anxiety levels rise in every aspect of my life, like I was waiting for something terrible and traumatic to happen again. Between the NICU experience with Owen, to ice dams on our roof, and to living in Arizona for 4 months we are so grateful to be back in our own home for the foreseeable future.

In the last month little Owen boy has gone through some big changes! He now has 6 teeth and counting (currently working on molars, the whole village is feeling the pain at this point.} His Grandpa Ben taught him how to shake his head no, so whenever we ask him a question the answer is obviously no. He started going to daycare, which is pushing him to be like the other kids. This means he is starting to take more and more steps independently, pretty soon he will be running around. Owen loves books and really enjoys being read to every night. His other favorite thing is to bother every single one of our puppies. The only one who will bug him right back is Loki, who has endless kisses for his sweet face.

This past year though we have seen how much of a village, town, or small city we have required in order to take care of Owen. We have had so many people help us out since before he was born. You all know who you are and if I were to write everyone down who has helped and supported us you would be reading this all day! So thank you for the babysitting, the meals, the support, the gifts and the love given to Owen, we will be eternally grateful to you all.

We will be celebrating Owen’s birthday with a party on Sept. 21st at 4pm at our home for anyone who wants to come. We would love to see anyone and everyone who has helped us over the last year. Please let us know if you need our address.