Week 29

Week 29 TL/DR at the end

Well, we have now been at the hospital for 2 weeks. It started off in a whirlwind and has become quite mundane. With ultrasounds every Monday and Thursday we get lots of pictures of our little guy, which we enjoy. He is getting pretty big, you can tell cause Jess’ belly keeps growing! The amniotic fluid levels keep increasing according to ultrasounds, so doctors triple checked to make sure my water was still broken. Unfortunately, it is still broken and a very slow leak. Apparently, it is a super weird case but even though it is just a little leak Jess still has to stay in the hospital due to the risk of infection.

Although Jess still has to be in the hospital she is considered stable. As a result of this, she got to go on adventures this last week! She got to have a wheelchair ride outside for the first time since arriving at the hospital, which was quite refreshing. Austin and Jess also got to go eat in the cafeteria, so she could get out of her small room. In addition to her outdoor adventures, Jess has finished 3 puzzles, two at 750 pieces, and one at 550 pieces, and has started (update: finished) on her 4th puzzle, 1000 pieces. The hospital has allowed Jack and Lucy to come and visit Jess since arriving in the hospital and today is Loki’s turn to visit, but it is an outside visit since she is so young and hyper. Seeing the dogs has definitely made things easier for Jess. 

Over the past week, we have been very grateful for all of the visitors and the wonderful people who have brought food! We have also had people send care packages and flowers with much-needed entertainment and soft clothing. Without all of you, this experience would be leaving a different mark on our lives.


Jess & Loki

3 September 2018


Flowers for Jess

31 August 2018


Jess & Jack

30 August 2018


Jess has been on bedrest for 2 weeks. The doctors triple checked and her water is still broken, although her amniotic fluid level is increasing (a good thing). She has finished 4 puzzles so far and has been able to see all three of the dogs. She is profoundly grateful for everyone's support.