Week 28! Fargo Baby Shower Update! Hospital Update!

We made it to week 28! Doctors are saying things are looking good and our baby is growing nicely. Jess is still leaking amniotic fluid and doctors are monitoring things closely to make sure she and baby are safe. One of the bonuses about being in the hospital is getting to see our sweet baby more often! This week we’ve had 4 ultrasounds done, he is getting bigger every day and we are so grateful of that. They moved Jess to a smaller room, which doesn’t have as nice of a place for Austin to sleep but we are adjusting and settling in for the long haul. We are still impressed by the outpouring of love and support that we receive every day! This hasn’t started off as the easiest experience, but we are so thankful for the amazing network of people we have surrounding us! 

One thing we’ve gotten many questions about is the baby shower in Fargo. After discussing it with Jess’ mom we’ve decided on a plan depending on if our baby is here, or if our baby is still baking like he should be. 

If Jess is still in the hospital and baby is NOT here: We will be holding the baby shower on September 15th still but in an untraditional format. It will be more of an open house format at Jessica’s hospital room, at the Essentia Health Hospital on 32nd Ave S in Fargo, from 10 am – 1 pm. Feel free to stop by for some light refreshments and say hi for a couple of minutes. Jess will be posting the room number, code, and any other information about the location the day before just in case she gets moved rooms.

If our baby HAS arrived! We will be holding the baby shower on September 15th, but at Jess’ mom’s house, address on the invite, still using the same time. This will be more of a traditional baby shower from 10-11:30 am

If Jess is in labor on the 15th, things will be postponed and Jess’ mom will contact everyone as quickly as possible. 

Please check social media and our blog for updates as our lives seem to be crazy around here! 

We love you all! Enjoy these pictures below of our hospital life!

Baby at 28 Weeks, 1 Day (Monday, Aug 27th)

Baby at 28 Weeks, 1 Day (Monday, Aug 27th)

Jess after she got off continuous monitoring and could walk to the bathroom by herself! 

Jess after she got off continuous monitoring and could walk to the bathroom by herself! 

Austin setting up the AppleTV for Jess’ entertainment!

Austin setting up the AppleTV for Jess’ entertainment!

View from the hospital room 

View from the hospital room 

The awesome NDSU Dog Training club making sure our dogs get enough exercise!

The awesome NDSU Dog Training club making sure our dogs get enough exercise!


Our sweet babies are being taken care of by Jess’ grandparents and parents! We couldn’t do this without the help of our village! 

Loki has been busy with the NDSU Dog Training Club! She's such a cutie! 

Loki has been busy with the NDSU Dog Training Club! She's such a cutie!