Week 24! Lots of travel

Well, the Pullan family has had quite the past couple of weeks! Baby Pullan has been growing lots lately and is between the size of a grapefruit and a cantaloupe and weighs over a pound!! Jess has been feeling the little boy move for a couple of weeks now but Austin finally got to feel his son move! While Baby Pullan has been growing lots, Jess and Austin have been traveling like crazy people! After spending some time in Utah, it was time to take a break and relax in Alaska. Jess’ folks own land in Alaska so there is an annual trip out to Petersburg to get the land ready for a cabin! While we were there Austin did some salmon fishing while Jess watched her favorite thing, bald eagles, and bears. There was also some trailblazing and watching the ocean! On the way back from Alaska, Austin flew out of Edmonton in Canada to time the Revel Mt. Hood Marathon and Half in Portland. While it was super relaxing in Alaska, we are ready to get home for a little bit before Jess’ sister's wedding! It’s a big year for the Brooks - Pullan families! Pictures to come as soon as Austin has a second to go through them.