21 Weeks

We can’t believe how fast time is going by, our little bundle of joy will be here before we know it. This week Jess is in Utah working so Baby Pullan got to see his grandma, aunt and great grandpa. Aunt Ashlyn said that she is going to be his favorite Aunt, so I guess the other 2 have to put in some leg work to beat her ;) Next week will be Baby Pullan’s first time in Alaska. His Grandpa Ben can’t wait for him to get big enough to work on the cabin out there, but for now he will just have to wait. As you know Austin’s hair used to be a lot redder than it currently is, so we’ve decided to take a poll! What color hair will Baby Pullan have and will it be curly like his Daddy’s or straight like Mom’s?? 

Facebook changed the way their polls work... answer in the comments instead!


Baby shower invites will go out next week so if you haven’t put your address in and want an invite please do that soon!