Oliver is 5 months! We are Moving!

Well we are slacking over here lately but Oliver is 5 months and a few days. Time is flying by! Oliver is loving eating solids and playing with toys. He is enthralled by his big brother who thinks he is amazing too. Despite the love Owen has for Oliver he is accustomed to his stationary phase, he has been quite surprised lately when Oliver grabs at Owen’s food, clothes, nose, toys, etc. Oliver still is not the best sleeper but it is something we are working through, the 4 month sleep regression has hit us really hard. We think that part of it was Oliver’s development of eczema which has required trying a plethora of creams, the Aveno Eczema cream is hands down the best one we’ve tried in case anyone needs a recommendation. Luckily that is getting under control and his sleep is slowly but surely seeming to improve. I am grateful when I only get woken up twice in one evening.

In other family news we are moving! Our timeline was moved up significantly so we are quickly packing up the house and moving into the 5th-wheel. My dad was gracious enough to come up last week and drive our moving truck to Utah where we are able to store some of our stuff at my grandparents house for the year we are in Maryland. We will be leaving Fargo on Sunday. We are having a lot of mixed emotions about the move and leaving our house. We have adored our house and the yard, it has brought a lot of joy throughout the years. Our last day of work at both of our jobs will be the 28th, which is tomorrow. We had to say goodbye to some amazing friends already this week and poor Owen is struggling with it all. While he has been struggling he is also excited to be moving into the 5th-wheel although I’m not sure he is grasping the concept that we won’t be returning to Fargo yet. Oliver of course is along for the ride and is pretty much happy as long as I am around him.

We will write a more detailed post and post lots of pictures as soon as the dust begins to settle! Wish us luck on part 1 of our cross country trekking!