Oliver is 2 months old!

Today my baby is 2 months old! It still amazes me how fast they grow up! Oliver is very smiley and has started cooing and grabbing things. Mom is still his favorite and will only tolerate dad. He rolled over for the first time the other day but has yet to try it since. He is just like his older brother and loves to stiffen his legs and stand up whenever he gets the chance. Oliver has awesome head control and is working on lots of developmental milestones this month. He is fascinated by his big brother and wants to be involved as much as possible! He is now in 0-3 month clothes but is very quickly growing out of those.

This last month Oliver got to go and meet his grandma and grandpa Pullan as well as his Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Ochiltree. He was a dream traveling! While we were there he started experimenting sleeping 5 hours at a time and has since continued that trend which this momma really appreciates.

Owen is an amazing big brother and has adjusted better than we could have imagined. He loves Oliver and watches out for him and helps in every way possible. We are so grateful for our family of 4!

Rafa at the Dorm Studio did our Fresh 48 photos!