That's a wrap 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

We have had a fun and eventful year and since I’m saving the planet (Or I ran out of time/energy) we are doing virtual cards this year!

January was filled with survival and bitter cold of Fargo. Oliver was a newborn who did not sleep so we spent the month figuring out how to survive as a family of 4 (+3 dogs).

February we took our first trip to Utah in what felt like forever. It was amazing to spend some time with family. Oliver was a great traveler if he was well fed!

March we took another trip to Utah. Owen got to see Great Grandma Marlene and Great Grandpa Jerry. He also got to rid horses! This is the month I sent my dissertation to my committee!

Celebrating a sweet birthday in Wyoming.

April we bought the RV and started to move in. Oliver was rolling and starting to sit by himself. We took a trip to Laramie, Wyoming to see the Allgood’s which was awesome. Oliver also started solid foods. I defended my dissertation and became Dr. Pullan. Austin was kicking butt at his job but put in his notice and we prepped for our move.

May we finished major house renovations and went under contract for our house. Oliver started crawling, we should have known we were in trouble then. We spent as much time outside as possible. We said goodbye to our home and friends in Fargo (whom we still miss).

June we really started our nomad life by taking a trip from North Dakota to Arizona. We had a blast traveling and the adjustment wasn’t too bad. We got to stop and see Great Grandma Barb, Great Grandpa Jim, Andrew, Tiffany, Finn and Addie. Owen had so much fun playing with Finn and Addie!

Playing with the water table in Arizona

Ax throwing is one of our favorite dates

Oliver’s baby blessing

July we closed on our house while we were living in Arizona. We celebrated the 4th of July in Southern Utah by hiking and playing in the water. Oliver continued to solidify his claim as a “mama’s boy”. We also had Oliver’s baby blessing and he cut his first tooth.

August we traveled across the country from Utah to North Carolina. it was a crazy month as we were forced to buy a new truck right before we left. The kids did amazing and we were able to experience some of the southern US, which brought a lot of new adventures.

Hike around the RV park in North Carolina

September we arrived in Maryland, our new home for the next year. We spent every weekend at a new destination around our home. We also celebrated Owen’s 3rd birthday! Aunt Ashlyn came to visit us and took care of the kids while Austin was out of town.

October we enjoyed quite a few Friday afternoons at the beach. We picked up a pizza on the way home for our traditional “Pizza and Movie Night” Fridays. We celebrated Halloween by dressing up as characters from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Halloween we were Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters.

November we played with dolphins at the National Aquarium (which is awesome). Oliver also took his first steps (don’t worry he still prefers climbing and then crawling over walking). Owen and Oliver love weekly swim lessons. We also celebrated Thanksgiving and I cooked dinner in the RV, which wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Austin and I celebrated 7 years of marriage to cap off the month.

Mount Vernon

Christmas with our cool glasses

December was filled with everything Christmas. We enjoyed the Polar Express Show by the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore to start the month. Austin (27) and Oliver’s (1) birthdays were celebrated. Lastly and most sadly we said goodbye to our dear dog Jack at the end of the year.

Owen and Oliver get along great about 80% of the time, when they don’t though it can turn into a biting and shoving match fast. Oliver is starting to say more words and communicate a lot. He has 7 teeth, is starting to walk and is 20 lbs. Owen is obsessed with MagnaTiles and building towers, he is a very good engineer and architect. He loves working out with me in the afternoon and he only 10 lbs larger than his brother. Austin is enjoying being a SAHD (stay-at-home-dad) and working for events. I am living the dream of working and being a mom. The days may be hard and long but we wouldn’t change them for the world. We appreciate and love everyone who has touched our lives. We hope that this next year brings love and happiness to everyone.


The Pullans

Austin, Jessica, Owen, Oliver, Jack (recently departed), Lucy and Loki

Jack’s last hike