Pullan Family

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Owen's 2nd Birthday

We had quite the birthday weekend with lots of presents leading up to the special day! We started Friday off with a trip to the Red River Zoo where all of the animals were awake and active. He adored it. We then came home and attempted some quiet time (he thinks he is too old to nap right now) and then Grandma Mandy took him to the park to play. That night we did chicken parmesan that turned into rude food tricks night. He enjoyed a chocolate chip cookie cake on his birthday. On Saturday we went and did some apple picking, he is obsessed with apples right now, and then he helped make applesauce with Dad and Grandpa Ben. We had a small get together with Grandma and Grandpa and Cousin Megan for some homemade pizza and cake in a pirate themed birthday party. There were swords and a piñata to top the night off. On Saturday night Grandma Mandy stayed at our house while we went to the Holiday Inn so that on Sunday morning Owen could enjoy their pirate ship pool. To say this kid is spoiled is the understatement of the century. He had such a blast and is really enjoying all of his presents that people sent and continue to come in, he now thinks every package that arrives is for him. He was really disappointed when some contact solution arrived the other day and I informed him that it wasn’t for him.

Our next ultrasound with baby #2 is on Monday to recheck his spine, hopefully he has changed positions enough that they can get some better pictures. Everything else is going well on the Homefront. We are so glad that Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Ben have been able to stay with us as long as they have and we will all be very sad when it is time for them to head home.

Some of the things Owen does right now:

  • constantly asks “Are you coming?” even if you are walking with him

  • asks to cuddle with Lucy every night

  • is working on his two year old molars

  • loves reading all books and playing with all toys

  • begs to go see Cousin Megan everyday because she has “cool cars”

His enthusiasm for life is contagious and we love having him in our life. He is so much fun and is going to be the best big brother here soon!