21 Weeks!

Things have been going pretty smoothly since the cervical cerclage luckily! We had our anatomy ultrasound on Friday and were able to see the sweet little boy. The ultrasound tech checked my cervical length and there hasn’t been much change since the cerclage which is awesome news. We will be having a repeat ultrasound in 4 weeks because the little boy wasn’t behaving to get good spinal images. I have started to feel him kick like crazy and in some of the ultrasound images his foot is above his head. Austin and I both feel like the ultrasound images look just like Owen, maybe we are biased but I think we are going to have 2 of the cutest boys around. At my 20 week appointment they couldn’t get a fetal heart beat and had to get it through the placenta because he was moving so much. It reminds me of our time in the hospital when we had nurses sitting by the side of my bed for up to an hour trying to get Owen on the monitor for a couple of minutes straight. Needless to say we are in for quite the wild ride with this little one entering our lives (in hopefully December or January!)

We started pulling out Owen’s baby clothes and blankets prepping for the baby this week. Owen isn’t quite sure how to feel about things but he is being an awesome helper! We are also getting ready for Owen’s birthday on the 11th. I can’t believe he is going to be 2 in just a few days. We were in the hospital 2 years ago at this point, it is amazing how time flies. It is just amazing to me how lucky we got with Owen and how healthy he is now. The first two years can be really hard with a premie trying to get them to catch up but Owen made it look easy. He has always gone above and beyond all of our expectations. Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Ben are coming up to celebrate in our small gathering for his birthday and Owen couldn’t be more excited about it!

The appreciation for our village is constantly growing. We don’t know what we would have done without you the past couple of years. So thank you to those who have texted or called to check in, sent gifts and cards or hung out with the kiddo over the last couple of years, we hope one day we can eventually repay the kindness and love you have shown for our family.