Owen is 10 months old!

Somehow we blinked and our little boy is becoming a toddler. Owen is 10 months old. He is full of energy and very opinionated. He cruises all over the place and prefers it to walking. He pulls himself up on just about everything and is working on bending over to pick up what he wants. Owen has two bottom teeth and is working on a top tooth. He LOVES brushing his teeth, pretty much the highlight of his day. He will eat just about everything you give to him but he will pick yogurt drops and watermelon over anything else. He is a fish in the water and loves bath time, the pool, and the ocean. His vocabulary currently consists of mom, ma, and moooom. He is working on waving, balancing by himself and working a spoon.

This month Owen got to see his Grandma Mandy. Austin and Owen took a wild trip to Hawaii that started off with us all getting the stomach flu and promptly giving it to the majority of my family while they were in Hawaii. It was dubbed the Pullan Plague. After their epic trip, they returned home to have Great Grandma Barb and Great Grandpa Jim come and watch Owen for a couple of days while Austin went to Portland to time a race with Brooksee. He wore them out big time but loved having them here! After Austin got home we went up to Phoenix for the 4th of July. It was fun to spend some family time playing in the pool, relaxing in the hotel room, and going to the zoo, aquarium, and children’s museum. The best part of the weekend though was making Owen watch the Women’s World Cup Final (USA! USA! USA!) with me. He watched bits and pieces of the rest of the games with me, he likes to get excited when I do which was a blast.

Somehow our little boy is turning into a toddler right before our eyes. It amazes us that he is only supposed to be 8.5 months old right now. When he was born so early we were scared that he would be behind on his milestones but this kid continues to amaze us. He is ready to conquer the world one day at a time. We know that at this rate he will outshine both Austin and I one day and we can’t wait to see him do it.