Owen is 7 months old!

Time has just got to stop slowing down. This kiddo won’t stop growing and learning! We have now made it into 6-9 month clothes. He seems to weigh about the same as Lucy does now. He is developing quite a fondness for his doggie siblings.

We finally got the house fixed and moved back in earlier this week. Needless to say Grandma Mandy is really missing her boy. He is such a sweetheart in the morning and is a hilarious terror at night. He makes everyone laugh. Owen has really been working on his raspberry blowing abilities and sticks his tongue out regularly as a sign of affection (oops, sorry Owen’s future wife). He has also started trying to give kisses though, which is an adorable sloppy mess! We are at the stage where Owen wants to start being independent but can’t quite figure out how to do things by himself yet.

We’ve by-passed the crawling stage, Owen was interested in that for a solid week but decided he was too good for that. He has decided to try his hand at walking. So we do quite a bit of standing and working on moving legs in a forward direction. He’s in constant motion and constantly makes sound.

This boy has the biggest personality that we know of and we love him so much! It’ll be fun to see where this next month takes us!