Owen is 3 months old!

Hi everyone!

Owen is three months old! It is crazy how fast time is going. He has gotten to spend Halloween, Thanksgiving and soon Christmas with us. This has been quite the year for our little family! Owen has been growing up so much and weighs about 10 lbs now! He is getting rolls on his arms and legs and has cheeks for days if you haven’t noticed already. Owen loves going to visit Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Ben. He loves smiling at them and looking at the pictures on the walls. He has become more interested in toys and he is following on track developmentally where he should be. We are incredibly grateful for that! He is still in newborn clothes but we don’t think that will last much longer haha.

During the last month Owen’s Great Grandparents came to visit him! Great-grandma Barb and Great-Grandpa Jim were able to spend lots of quality time with him every afternoon during the two weeks that they were here. We really appreciated them helping us out and we think they enjoyed the baby cuddles they got! Owen had his first time out to a restaurant, the Würst of course, while GGma and GGpa were here. We have really missed them being here.

This has been a busy month for mom too! She passed her comprehensive exams and is 1 step closer to graduating! She had to come up with an original idea not in her research area and write a grant on it. After the grant was submitted she had to give an oral presentation on the idea. It was a lot of work but it’s done now just in time for the holidays!


There is lots of big plans for Christmas this year! Emily and Kolton are coming for Christmas and get to be the first of our siblings to meet Owen. The other big news is Owen will be having his baby blessing in Fargo. ND on Dec 30th at 11:30 am. Anyone who wants to come is welcome!
