Pullan Family

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Big Changes and Oliver is 3 months old!

Well we’ve had quite the crazy month around here. After the boys and I spent 2 weeks in Utah we returned home and put the house on the market a week later. Within the 2 days it took us to get under contract we had close to 20 showings, it was insane. In addition to listing the house, I submitted my dissertation to my committee and will be having a public defense on April 5th at 2pm (side note: if you would like to watch just let me know and I will send you the link).

Oliver also turned 3 months old on the 24th. He is a smiley baby and has been getting better about sleeping at night. He is showing interest in eating solid foods and has started grabbing things. He still loves to eat all the time, his constant obsession. He weighed almost 13 lbs at his check up at 2 and a half months. Oliver and Owen get along really well and Owen is a great helper!

Lucy turned 7 today also! It is amazing how fast time goes. She is getting older and has slowed down quite a bit. She loves her boys and going to bed early. She’s our sweet heart and reminds me of Millie frequently. I’m so glad that Owen has the relationship he does with our dogs.

So now onto our plans… well they are still a little fluid. We’ve had so many people reach out to ask us where we are headed we thought we would address it here. We are going to be nomads for awhile this summer and then I will be in Maryland for my work for a year. The boys will be officially staying in St George but will visit often. After Maryland, we will be returning to Salt Lake City where I have accepted a post-doc at the University of Utah. So like I said, a little complicated but it wouldn’t be fun if it wasn’t that way.