Pullan Family

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We have had a big secret for the last couple weeks at our house but Owen keeps begging to share it! He is just so excited he can’t contain it. Owen is going to be a BIG BROTHER! We are very excited and grateful to bring another baby into our family.

If you’ve read our previous blog posts you know getting pregnant with Owen wasn’t easy and this baby wasn’t easy either. Which makes it extra special! Since finding out we are expecting we’ve had a little bit of a rocky pregnancy already. After some early spotting, I had an ultrasound which confirmed the pregnancy viability but also discovered a small subchorionic hemorrhage (also know as subchorionic hematoma). This hemorrage has resulted in light exercise (i.e. walking, yoga) and lots of rest which is VERY different from my normal exercise routine. This has resulted in me being a little more hormonal than would typically be expected. Since then we have had another ultrasound where they determined the hemorrhage is almost healed and I can return to normal activity (still not pre-pregnancy but something more.) In order to combat the high risk nature of this pregnancy, we will start weekly progesterone injections at the end of July to keep the baby in as long as possible. So keeps us in your prayers as we embark on this final pregnancy.

Due to the nature of my pregnancies, due dates are difficult, I mean Owen was 10 weeks earlier than his due date, this baby’s due date is Jan. 12th. Progesterone injections will stop at 37 weeks which is the week of Christmas, so we will see when this sweet babe will make his or her entrance!

P.S. Our good friend, Rafa at Dorm Studios took these wonderful pictures! She is so talented and we are grateful she could handle our craziness with all the dogs and a toddler while trying to do an announcement! We highly recommend her for anyone looking to have pictures taken in Fargo!