Pullan Family

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Owen is 9 months old!

Our little man has decided he needs to be as independent as possible. He is very opinionated about the position he is in, what he wants to do, what he wants to eat, you name it he has an opinion about it! Owen has started trying to cruise around the furniture without our help and loves walking holding our hands still. He is the chunkiest little boy and everyone comments on his cute arms and cheeks.

This month Owen has been to lots of places and had new experiences this month! Time started off with his first time at the pool! He is a water kid, he really loves it. He has also gone to Tombstone, AZ and we took some cute old-timy pictures. He also went to Denver with Austin for the Revel Rockies Race. My mom flew to Denver to take care of him while Austin worked. Owen had a great time with his Grandma Mandy and Aunt Breezy. He was able to go to a Rockies game and the Denver Zoo. He is such a little stud. I missed my boys a lot while they was gone as I spent a couple of days in the field prior to their departure.

On Monday, Jun 10, the day before his 9 month birthday, his 2 bottom teeth finally poked through his gums! Our boy officially has teeth!

We are excited to see how Owen grows and develops over the next month!