Pullan Family

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Jack's 10th's birthday

Our Jack boy is 10 years old! It is amazing how fast time goes. He is definitely our hardest, most stubborn boy but he is so sweet too. My mom surprised us with Jack in 2009 when we moved to South Jordan. He was one of our family presents that year (our other present was the new house). We were so happy to have a new dog in our lives, especially after Millie passed a number of years earlier. Jack was 6 months old when we got him and the last of his litter. He’s always been a trouble maker and yet we still love him.

When he was 4 years old we got Lucy. He was pretty unsure about her at first and now they are best friends. After we brought Lucy home we knew that Jack could never be separated from Lucy. That is how we ended up having 2 dogs.

We are sad we don’t get to be with our oldest for his birthday this year but we know my parents are taking excellent care of him and our other fur babies!