Pullan Family

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Lucy's 5th Birthday

5 years ago our sweet Lucy was born! We picked her up from a crazy breeder 8 weeks later. This breeder never wanted to sell her but we convinced her with the caveat that we would keep in touch and send her pictures (we haven’t kept in touch). She has been a sweet girl since the beginning. Her first name was “Miss Lily” so we kept it close with Lucy. Austin and I picked her up from this breeder in Cedar City, UT with the purpose of my mom taking her to North Dakota with her. When we picked her up we had no intention of keeping her. When it was time for us to return to Cedar City I couldn’t imagine leaving her, which is how Lucy came to be ours. Jack ended up going to ND with my mom but got really sad leading to Jack and Lucy being reunited. Over the years Lucy has been through a lot with us. She was there at our engagement, wedding, from Utah to North Dakota, Loki girl, and Owen.

Lucy’s Favorite Things:

  • Cuddles

  • Pretending she is a Sheppard

  • Snipper Kisses

  • Mini Tennis Balls

  • Hiking, walks, swimming

  • Owen

  • Meeting anyone and everyone!

It is amazing that she was born 5 years ago. Time has flown by and we sure hope it slows down!

We love you Lucy girl!