Pullan Family

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Owen is 6 months old!

Hi Everyone,

I know I say this just about every month but the months just keep flying by! It is incredible! Owen is getting bigger and bigger everyday. He is such a funny kid, he talks NONSTOP, like seriously if he is awake he is talking. His is a smily, giggly kid who loves the morning. In the morning he wakes up at 7 am, pretty much on the dot. What does he do to let me know he is awake you may ask, talk, he starts babbling nonstop until you pick him up for some cuddles. Since our last blog post Owen has started rolling from back to tummy, can balance while standing up, can sit unsupported for about a minute and is starting to try and army crawl. His favorite toy is a rattle but he plays with just about anything and everything. Owen loves cooking, he especially loves watching the KitchenAide. He also loves dancing, bath time and playing toys. The biggest thing Owen is struggling with is his tooth, we’ve been teething all month long. He’s working on one of his top middle teeth, the poor kiddo has done nothing but chomp on anything and everything. One more big thing for the little man is we started eating solid food! After giving it a solid week of rice cereal and oatmeal with total dread from both Owen and his parents we moved onto more delicious stuff. So far he has tried bananas (love), peaches (love), carrots (like), peas (HATE) and apple-peaches oatmeal (like).

This past month has been insane for us not only cause of Owen! If you haven’t heard our house is in disarray currently. On Feb 8th we discovered some leakage into our house from ice dams. After the water mitigation company came out and dried everything out there was a considerable amount of damage to include, a whole living room wall, a hole in the living room ceiling, part of the kitchen wall including behind cabinets and countertops, a hole in the kitchen ceiling, a whole master bedroom wall and the whole master bedroom ceiling. It took 2.5 weeks to dry everything out and have the ice dams removed. We are now waiting on the insurance company to approve everything so we can start getting things fixed. As a result of all this our house is not currently livable. We are SUPER grateful to come and move into my (Jess) parents house. We are pretty sure the only reason they’ve let us stay the whole month is cause of Owen’s cuteness.

We hope this month to have a little less craziness and get back home. We recently had a friend give birth to her son prematurely (please keep him in your prayers) and it put a lot into perspective for me. We spent 6 weeks in the NICU and it feels like yesterday and an eternity ago. When we were told Owen would be premature we had no idea what to expect. Owen has been exceeding all of my expectations since the day he was born. There are so many possibilities for him and I couldn’t be more proud. I can’t wait to watch him grow up, he is going to keep us on our toes but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Now for the best part!! Pictures of the chunky monkey!