Pullan Family

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Big Milestones!

This week was a big one for Owen. It was like he decided he was tired of being little, which makes me a little sad. On Tuesday we decided he had outgrown all of his 0-3 month clothes. It made me pretty sad packing them up, it reminds me of the first time that I put a little onesie on him. Anyway, as I pulled out the 3-6 month clothes I became excited about all of the milestones he will reach here shortly! Little did I know that those milestones would start flying at my like a ton of bricks!

Right before the first roll over!

On Thursday during morning tummy time Owen rolled over for the first time (go check out Facebook or Instagram for the video)! It was incredible! He almost rolled over a couple of weeks ago but then took a break from physical development to grow and develop socially so it was a pleasant surprise. As parents we couldn’t be more proud of our little man and thought things couldn’t get any better for that week.

Tummy time and toys!

On Saturday we woke up and were surprised though! He has discovered the joy of toys! It was such an interesting switch to be flipped, from having no interest in objects to grabbing at them and playing was fascinating. Not only did this include toys but it included spoons and food too! Tonight we mixed up some rice cereal and put it on his tray (more as a toy than food) as we ate dinner, he had a blast! We are thinking we will try solid foods next week with him.

The last and not as exciting milestone is the teething. As many of you have asked we believe the little man has started teething. The red checks, excessive drool, and chewing and changing routines are all signs that this unfortunate time is upon us… so wish us luck!

Interested in the spoon!

Playing with food and a spoon!

Working on our unsupported sitting!