Pullan Family

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Owen is 5 months old!

Well our little boy is 5 months old. I still can’t figure out why time seems to be speeding up since his arrival! We love having him around, he is such a little character! This month he learned to laugh and he finds his daddy hilarious! His little laughs are contagious. He loves playing peek-a-boo, clapping and getting tickled.  He also loves babbling and tells me stories every morning and every night. He can’t quite roll over yet but we are getting there! He likes to sit in his high chair during dinner and watch us eat, solid foods and soon in his future. Considering he is 15 lbs I don’t know how much longer milk alone will satisfy haha!

He may be a very loving boy but he is totally my child. For those of you who don’t know, I used to hold my breath until I passed out when I didn’t get my way as a toddler. Well my son has decided to start practicing early. When mom and dad aren’t fast enough at getting food or changing a diaper or he wants to do something but can’t figure out quite how, Owen decides screaming and then holding his breath is the best way to remedy that. His pediatrician said that he isn’t doing it intentionally yet (we beg to differ) but between 9 months and a year it definitely will be. So please wish us luck with our strong willed, impatient child. As my dad posted a couple of weeks ago: check in on those with strong willed children, we aren’t ok. 

Despite that he is an incredible sleeper and rarely wakes up through the night, it isn’t uncommon for him to sleep for 10 hours straight! Some water noise will put him to sleep or calm him down, the Relax Melodies app is a total lifesaver! We love this little boy so much and can’t wait to see the progress he makes in the next month! 

Check out the pictures below from this last month! He’s a little chunker who enjoys nakie time. He was also exposed to his first snapchat filters this month! Can you pick the one that looks most like my dad? :)