Pullan Family

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Owen is 4 months old!

I’m starting to get a little nervous as time flies by. Owen is now 12 pounds 7 ounces and growing strong every day. His little legs are no longer so little, his little feet are no longer so little. I’m so excited to see the young man that he grows up to be, but part of me wants him to stay this small forever.

He is sleeping really well at night, usually only getting up once for Jessica to feed him, and is my alarm clock in the morning. His favorite thing in the whole world is lights, he loves to look at chandeliers or any lights on the ceiling. His favorite toy is his light up drum set.

He is working hard on tummy time every day, and it seems like he will be rolling over any day now. Today however, he fell asleep on his tummy after being frustrated for some time.

I’m composing this from an airplane, where Owen is taking to the skies for the first time in his life. Jess and I have been dreading this flight, we’ve been nervous that Owen would scream on the plane. I’m happy to report that, at least so far, he has been an angel. He was half asleep on the ascent but awake just enough to suck on his pacifier which helped his ears to adjust to the pressure changes. I normally don’t even notice, but today I could feel the pressure on my ears. I’ll provide an update, seeing as we still have to descend and then do it all over again. He loves the roar of running water, so maybe the loud hum of the engines is what keeps him calm.

We have a super short 35 minute layover, which is the other reason we’ve been stressing about this flight. It turns out, it’s impossible for us to miss our connection, since this exact airplane is our next flight as well. I don’t know how we got so lucky.

Owen has been smiling and babbling like crazy. He has even let out a few laughs for us. We are so excited for the time to come as he develops those skills more. He is fully capable of support all of his weight with his chunky little legs, but it’s going to be a long while before he can balance.

We’ll provide another update after we get home from Owen’s first trip out of the state. For now, we’ll just be the crazy people lugging a baby and a billion pounds of luggage through the airport. Here’s to hoping there is no turbulence, and that all the TSA officers and air traffic controllers don’t quit before our return flights (today is their first missed paycheck from the shutdown).