Pullan Family

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After Flight Review!

Owen was a dream both to Utah and back. We couldn’t have asked for a better baby! While he was in Utah he got to see lots of new people! Owen had so much fun meeting 2 of his aunts for the first time and getting to see his Aunt Emily and Uncle Kolton again. He also had the privilege of meeting my best friend and her husband! They drove all the way from Salt Lake City to meet the little man. The last new person he got to meet was his Great-Papa Bill. What a joy to see those two. Owen is the only boy descendant of Papa Bill in the Pullan Family and will be the one to continue the name for another generation. It makes Papa Bill a pretty happy man.

Seeing the mountains was a first for him too. We can’t believe how lucky we are to see that beautiful state as often as we do! 

The day we got back Owen had his 4 month shots and he’s been a cranky boy ever since. Not only did he get to experience that fun time but he went through a huge growth spurt right after! He is now too long for his 0-3 month jammies and I put him in a 3-6 month sleeper. It made my heart break a little bit. He really has to stop growing up!! 😭 

Hopefully we are on the tail end of this cranky spurt and we get our happy go lucky kiddo back sooner rather than later! We were also told we needed to post more pictures so here is a bunch of the sweet bundle of joy!